Basic Probation: Offenders receive community based supervision as imposed by the sentencing court. This supervision may include: office visits, fine/fee/restitution collections, counseling, community service, substance abuse testing, and/or other conditions as deemed necessary by the court. We monitor each condition and provide status reports to the court as needed.
Pretrial Diversion: An alternative for qualified offenders to divert from the traditional court process without the imposition of a criminal conviction. We provide close supervision of these cases without the tenets of basic probation supervision.
Bond Supervision: Conditions of Bond Supervision programs set by the releasing judge normally have conditions specific to the offense for which an individual is charged. We can monitor these conditions to ensure compliance until each case is disposed of.
Accountability Courts: Common accountability courts include DUI Courts, Drug Courts, Family Violence Courts, and Mental Health Courts. The combined efforts of intervention, counseling, and supervision are the components that work together to rehabilitate offenders, reducing the probability of recidivism.
Drug Testing: Drug Testing, a valuable tool in identifying drug users and as a deterrent to drug use has always been a high priority at CSRA Probation Services, Inc. We provide the latest in technology and training in order to battle a constantly evolving drug abuse problem.
Global Positioning Satellite: GPS provides for the constant monitoring of an offenders whereabouts, allowing a home confinement option with the possibility of allowing offenders the opportunity to travel to verifiable destinations (ie: work, school, medical treatment. We have the experience and state-of-the-art equipment for the extremely beneficial and cost effective option.
Alcohol Monitoring: We have the capability of performing alcohol testing at various supervision levels, from traditional breathalyzer screens, to urine detection of alcohol levels, to constant monitoring through a Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitoring System (SCRAM).
Smartphone Supervision App: Statistics show that the most common probation violation resulting in a warrant is failure to report, and that the most common reasons for failure to report are lack of transportation and conflict(s) with a probationer's work schedule. In an effort to assist probationers in overcoming these challenges, we have developed Georgia probation's first smartphone application. Our app allows probationers to report-in and make payments directly from their smartphone.
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